I had this camera for a while, but I haven't used much since I was focusing on my Hasselblad medium format camera.
Last weekend I decided to give it a try, I went to a small park close from where I live. This park have some beautiful dead trees full of holes from the termites. The day was very cold, overcast and wet from an early rain, perfect for B&W Photography.
I took some expired (2000) Ilford FP4 and some fresh Kodak T-max 100. I took six photographs from two different trees.
I exposed the Ilford FP4 at ISO 64 and later over developed at 125, this helped me over compensate the age of the film.
To my surprise, I compared the t-max and Ilford Fp4 negatives from the same photo and the Ilford hold up very good.
Here are some images from the process.